Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Heaven for Kids by Randy Alcorn p21-25

What will our bodies in Heaven be like?

They will not be like ghosts.  They will be like Jesus and ourselves.  We will be able to move, we'll be able to play, we'll be able to stretch, fly, when Jesus came back, he broke the bread and we'll be able to do the same thing.

Today I'm thankful for my whole family.
I'm sorry that I was being rude today to dad, sorry for people that got hurt, I'm sorry for doing cartwheels in the lobby.

Today's devotional: Phillipians 4:19
He wants us to live different ways than the Devil and everybody else. The devil tells us we can do it by ourselves. Tv, books and magazines tell us to do right and wrong. That is wrong because that is the Devil and bad and we need just God.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Heaven for Kids by Randy Alcorn p16-20

Kameronn was reading too fast:-( I heard about Heaven and God and Jesus. and a witch , she said something to the boy. God wants us to think about Heaven because He loves us.

Today we took pictures. I looked at duckies and played with them but they ran away. They were in the grass and they flapped their wings to get back in the water because they were like "nope!". I ran over the bridge twice and I saw two rock bridges in the stream.  That's all that I saw. I sat on the bridge and mommy had to hold me so I didn' t fall.  I went down the path, and saw our car and two benches.  Then we took pictures on the benches and it was time to go.

What did you see that reminded you of God?
Grass, leaves-they looked like Fall leaves, that means it's almost Fall. I also smelled flowers but I didn't see any around.

I had fun taking a bath and I loved it the water was so warm.
It made me sad that Aemilia poked her elbow on the thorn branch with thorns.

Today's Devotional: " Do You Feel It"; Psalm 16:11

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Heaven for Kids by Randy Alcorn p1-15

Today we read an excerpt from Heaven for Kids.
What do you think Heaven will be like?

Um,  it will be like hope and life because that's what Heaven is. It will look like a pink cloud with the sun above our heads AND a pink cloud because that's what I think it will be like.   I will see God and Jesus, frogs, flowers.  There will be popcorn there and most of all, fruit because of the fruit trees of good and evil, if you eat it then you will be separated.  And they ate it and God told the girl, "fine, I'll give you more pain when you get kids".

Heaven will be like flowers in the air and life finally.

Today's Devotional : Joy in Your Hardest of Days, Psalm 21:6

Kids were looking for lost treasure , they were digging hard. They found lost treasure, very shiny, sometimes they found just rocks.

If you find rocks and no treasure where can you find joy?
From God. How can you get it ? Keep on talking to Him?