Friday, November 4, 2011

The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, Chapter 3

What happened is that all of Lucy's siblings didn't believe her and so they called her a "liar" and they thought that she was making a joke.  Then they went and played hide and seek, then Lucy came back to the wardrobe and then, what was the boy's name again? Then Edmond came looking for her. Ok, so then he stepped into the wardrobe and then um, he said "Lucy, Lucy! Where are you because he was kinda scared. Then, there was no answer, then he tried again and again. And then he heard these jingles and then he saw a dwarf a dwarf that was 3 inches tall (3 feet) and he was so fat. Then there was this tall lady, she had white fur up to her neck. She also had a big golden crown and then she said , um , "How do you address the Queen like that. (And there's an excited mark) (she means an exclamation point)! Then, he I mean Edmund, said "I'm sorry" . Then, the Queen said, "I am the Queen of Narnia".

Today's devotional :My Precious Promises, happy in all times , Phillipians 4:12
I'm happy when I'm having so much fun that I want to do it again
I'm sad when I get hurt
When things aren't going right, you go and get your mom and try to work it out and then go get your mom and you ask God to help you. 
Today I am thankful for me going to dance.
And I'm sorry for me getting in trouble for kicking the seats and being rude. 
Today I'd like to pray for my family about letting my mom keep me safe and I'll pray about God about sending the guardian angels down to protect us.  

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